Work & Lead To A Different Beat.

Take Ownership of Your Mindset, Purpose, and Performance.

Employee Engagement

has typically focused on a top-down approach.

So, organizations and leaders ask...


How do we attract and retain top talent?


Are our employees engaged
and bringing their full selves to operate with peak performance?


Do our employees feel truly empowered to contribute to the company’s mission and drive value for our customers and teams?

The truth is, creating engagement is a bottom-up movement that starts with your employees embracing their own experience.

As your people and leaders change how they see their work and how they show up at work, the workplace changes with them.

We show you how to build a workplace where both your people and profits can thrive.

Experience the Power of

Work. Meaningful.

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Two questions that changed everything.

My foray into the world of business started with running my own business while still in elementary school. I was dishwashing at 14 and in a leadership position at 23.

In this position, I encountered the same workplace emotions your people face every day and I was left wondering, Does my work have meaning?

My perspective shifted when I asked two simple questions:

“Who is the only person I can control?”

“What do I want to get out of this experience?"

I began showing up to work differently. I stopped trying to find my passion and started being passionate about the present moment!

Promotions and leadership roles followed as I discovered my power to bring my meaning to work instead of looking for a purpose in my work.

Leveraging my leadership, experience in Fortune 500 Organizations, and compelling research; I have created The 3 Rhythm Model to serve leaders and teams ready to take ownership of their mindset, purpose, and performance.

The 3 Rhythm Model

An agile and personalized approach to work that leads to more meaning, better performance, and increased engagement.

The Perspective Rhythm, the Task Rhythm, the Relationship Rhythm

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The Perspective Rhythm
How You Choose To See Things

Replace the passive view of your job with a clear definition of the impact your work has. Then, archive and remind yourself of your ‘impact stories’ to fuel performance beyond the norm.

The Task Rhythm
What You Choose to Do

Create a growth dimension by altering the boundaries of your traditional job description. Shed ‘busy’ tasks and add meaningful ones that align with the impact you want to make. Ignite your intentionality.

The Relationship Rhythm
Who You Choose To Connect With

Choose who you want to elevate and engage through your impact and effort. Invest in and appreciate authentic relationships across all spheres - at work, at home, and in your community.

*Adapted from Job Crafting Research by Wrzesniewski and Dutton (2001).

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Our Solutions

In Person & Virtual

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Our Impact

Work. Meaningful. as a company is committed to positively impacting the world around us.

We prioritize impact over income. We are building a company where we not only help people with our work, but we also give it forward with our 5% pledge. We give forward to educational initiatives on the continent of Africa and the country of the United States. We have provided clean water and are constructing a new middle school building in Justin’s dad’s home village in Ghana.

Our impact vision is to build a company that is raising and giving over one million dollars a year to educational initiatives on the continent of Africa and the country of the United States. Consider joining with us as we make our work meaningful and 100% of what you donate goes directly to the educational initiatives, because Work. Meaningful, the Foundation's Board of Directors, and some grants cover all administrative costs of the Foundation.

To Date We Have Directly Given and Helped Raise Over: $70,000

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Your Why Matters Now

The secret to achieving more of what matters in your professional and personal life is at the intersection of your Why and Now!

  • Discover Your True Why and apply it to your work and personal life.
  • Be more productive, work passionately to live “On 10”
  • Bring meaning to your work, no matter what kind of job you have.

30 Practical Tips

To Professionally and Personally Achieve More

  • Bring meaningful productivity at work & home
  • Standalone tips that you can start using today!
  • A Bonus 30 Practical Tips for Leaders
Lead Magnet: 30 Practical Tips

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